Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mission Statement

Mission Statement? Really?

Well, not really. Actually I have about five or ten minutes before I have to get my zen on*. So the idea that I have time to write a mission statement is absolutely silly. The fact that I'd even bother to write a mission statement for a blog in itself is pretty damned silly too (unless YOU'VE written one-in that case, how super cool of you! ...I'm just lazy, and a bit critical of such things, and I care, but not enough. I save my caring for bigger things I suppose. It's all relative. ...what was I saying? Oh right, my mission statement)

So my statement, which isn't one driven by a mission, is this:

This blog is junk. Good junk though. Like the kind you find at yard sales.

I've got a lot of stories to tell. I live alone. I'm allergic to cats. So, World Citizens (who care enough to read my words) you're the recipients of my blatherings. So sit back (or if you're like me, sit hunched) at the computer and squint your little screen-burned eyes at my written thoughts.

And by the way, you're welcome.

*Getting my zen on* refers to me taking the time to center myself, quiet my mind, stretch and breath before I work with a massage client. This is a good phrase to remember, and you're welcome to use it as your own (but only of course you really ARE getting your zen on. Otherwise, I'd like at least an honorable mention, if not money)

You can send checks to:
Crystal McLain, LMT
5 Bristol Pines Rd.
Bristol, ME 04539

...and did I mention, you're welcome?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ode to Kate

Well, this isn't really going to be an Ode. Sorry to disappoint so early in the Blogger Game...

Like many humans in the free world, I too, am a Facebook-er. Over the past month or so I'd been paying extra attention to an old high school acquaintance, we'll call her "Kate," since that's her name. Witty, politically aware and often a temptress with juicy looking recipes, I've found myself drawn to my fellow alumni grad in the cyber world. Occasionally we'd pass one another by at a mutually respected coffee shop or the local grocery store. We'd never made much effort to communicate in the real-life community, but I found once I "liked" her stuff on Facebook, she too "liked" mine and thus, a relationship that had faded over the past fifteen years from the academic days, had now grown to something stronger via the internet-super-highway. Just today I saw "Kate" at said coffee shop, and discussed her essays and blogs (bloggs?-how many g's in that word?). I raced home and did a little research about this blogging business. Of course I later checked my Facebook page and saw that indeed, "Kate" had posted a link to her blog. Quickly I commented on her blog link, admitting that I was interested in starting a blog of my own. My heart quickened, my eyes widened and a smile emerged on my face as I read her response, "I would LOVE to read your blog. Do it!" So, Facebook friend and old classmate chum who we'll call "Kate," thank you for being my blogspiration. Nameste!